Friday, February 5, 2010

Week 3: Baked Spinach-Pasta Casserole

This week I was looking for something a little less . . . complicated. I needed a break from spice exploration and was in the mood for a good, simple staple meal. Pasta seemed perfect. This recipe came from the Vegan Handbook, and I found it the same place I found the others,

What to Use

1lb pasta shells (I used whole wheat, size medium.)

1 lb spinach, chopped and steamed until tender (I used frozen.)

2 1/2 C low sodium tomato sauce

1/2 C soy milk

3 cloves garlic, minced

1 T fresh chopped basil (or 1 tsp dried) (I used fresh.)

1/4 C bread crumbs

salt & pepper to taste

What to Do

Cook pasta in boiling water according to directions. Drain.

In a large casserole dish, toss hot pasta with spinach, tomato sauce, soy milk, garlic, and basil.

(Instead of using a casserole dish I used a 9 X 13 baking pan. I mixed up the ingredients in the large pot I used for cooking the pasta, then poured the result into the baking pan. It was a perfect fit.)

Season to taste.

(The problem I encountered here was that the tomato sauce was too acidic. I added sugar to taste.)

Top with bread crumbs.

Bake at 350 degrees, uncovered, for 30 minutes or until bubbly. Serve hot.

(It should be noted that my casserole - perhaps due to the dish - did not bubble.)

Cooking Time

This dish was very quick to make. There was little to no preparation beyond mincing the garlic and boiling the pasta. I would say my total cooking time was 15 minutes for prep and 30 minutes in the oven.

What I Liked About It


What I Didn't Like

For some reason, despite the tomato sauce and soy milk, this casserole came out dry. Again, it might be because I substituted the casserole dish with a baking pan. I would recommend adding additional sauce before baking, and I wouldn't mess around with tomato sauce, either. I'd go straight for the pasta sauce you buy in a jar. Pick your favorite and apply liberally.

Also consider adding more vegetables. Mushrooms or peas would be a nice enhancement to this meal.


The ease of preparing this dish made up for its dryness, which can be remedied by adding more sauce. If you love Italian food and are looking for a vegan alternative, this is a good choice.

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