Friday, January 22, 2010

No Hurry Vegetable Curry: Spicy-Bland

Many days have passed since the No Hurry Vegetable Curry filled our house with the earthy aromas of curry and basmati rice. Yum. I'm sorry to report I was not thrilled with this dish. It seemed like something was missing.

What I Liked About It

This dish was very easy to prepare. The slow cooker does most of the work. I would say total prep-time was 20 minutes for vegetable chopping and onion sauteing.

I also rather enjoyed the sumptuous aroma of simmering curry. It created a third-world mood in the house that excited my adventurous side.

What I Didn't Like

Generally when one tastes a curry dish with a coconut milk base there is an underlying sweetness to counter the spiciness. Although in this dish the spices were not overwhelming - in fact they were a bit understated - a general lack of sweetness made the flavor almost spicy-bland, if such a thing exists. I even substituted sweet potatoes for the Yukon golds. Hmm. Perhaps some dried cranberries would jazz it up. I'm not sure.


I encourage you to try the dish. It was easy to make and is definitely different from anything you've probably cooked in a while. Like curry, variety is one of life's finest spices. If you do give it a go, I recommend experimenting. Add an ingredient for sweetness and report back to let me know how it turned out.


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